Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 5 - March 2
As we continue our study of Living Words, this Sunday we will take a look at the word 'Repent.'
John the Baptist begins his prophetic ministry with an earth-shaking proclamation:  "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news." (Mark 1:15)  As Jesus' earthly ministry begins, he likewise proclaims, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." (Matthew4:17)  The call to repent - literally to turn - is an invitation from God to embrace this new kingdom that is even now breaking into the world.  It is a kingdom not of earthly empire where an earthly emperor rules with military and economic power, but a divine kingdom where the goodness of God reigns by the power of love.  God's simple and loving invitation is to repent, to turn and embrace new life in a world made new.
Yet the very word "repent" has been used by some as a cudgel in the Christian tradition, to shame people and denigrate their broken and sinful condition.  We need to reclaim this gracious word from its "fire-and-brimstone" abuses and engage the healing, life-giving possibilities it opens in our lives.
Gracious God, your call to repent – to embrace the in-breaking of your Kingdom in creation – echoes in the land once more.  Open our ears to hear, our minds to comprehend and our hearts to receive your loving invitation to healing, to wholeness, to new life in you.  Amen.
First Reading:  Isaiah 42:1-10
Psalm 29
Second Reading:  Acts 10:34-43
Gospel:  Matthew 3:13-17

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