Sunday, November 22, 2015

What’s the truth? 

Pilate’s question hangs in the air over the plight of Jesus in the grip of Rome. It hangs in the air over the church today as we seek to understand Christ as “King” in contemporary culture. For Jesus, claims to kingly authority are sedition against the empire, punishable by death. For us, the notion of “monarchy” is far removed from our cultural and worldly perspectives. What does it mean for us to proclaim Christ “king” in a world that so clearly defies that reign? What is the truth of it all, as Pilate asks, when it seems clear that his notion of kingship and what Jesus is talking about are two very different things. On the cusp of the new church year, we will explore popular notions of kings and the way Jesus embodies the reign of God: a king who washes feet; the one who would be ruler of all, coming to us as the servant of all … a very different kind of king.