Sunday, September 11, 2016

Rally Day … Day of Service -claimed-gathered-sent

WORSHIP on Sunday, September 11 … 
Rally Day … Day of Service!

What an exciting Sunday!  And the perfect day to complete our series focusing on the people of God as The Body of Christ.

╬ “claimed-gathered-sent”  Our faith life is filled with “trinities.”  God is revealed as Father-Son-Spirit.  We are created-redeemed-sustained by the love and grace of God.  The continual renewing of creation and much of our human experience follows a pattern of life-death-resurrection to new life.  The calling of people to live out their faith – to the glory of God and for the sake of the world – can be understood in a triune way, as well.  The people of God are claimed by God in baptism, gathered together as a community of faith and sent in a mission of love and service to a needful world.   As the Body of Christ in the world today, we are the claimed-gathered-sent ones of God.  Our shared journey is to live into and to live out that true identity.

The God who claims us has gathered and gifted us and is sending us to the world God loves.  What a blessing to make our way together!