Sunday, October 9, 2016

Blessed are the Merciful and Pure in Heart

Worship on Sunday, October 9 …

As we continue with our exploration of the Beatitudes.  As we move into October, we prepare to renew our commitment to support the mission and ministries of Abiding Love.  And in our study, we begin to fold in the vital consideration of “Blessed for …”

╬  Blessed are the Merciful and Pure in Heart
There is a palpable progression in Jesus’ teaching of the Beatitudes.  He begins with the blessing that is experienced even (or especially) when our spirits are famished and grieving.  He then moves to the way God blesses us when we are humbled by circumstance, hungry for change and open to God’s leading.  He moves on, into more positivistic places of blessing:  experienced when we can approach others and the world with compassion and mercy, and when we operate from the purest sense of who we are in God.  All the while, Jesus is expanding our focus, from the ways in which God is blessing us, to the ways God is seeking to bless the world through us.