Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pat Shields

presented Wednesday February 25,2015
Abiding Love Lutheran Church 

First in a special Lenten series of talks on Peace

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What’s in a name?  

There is power in names.  Names have meaning.  Very often, names convey more than just identification; they reveal more deeply qualities, characteristics of what or who is named.  In the creation stories of Genesis, God takes delight in creating myriad, diverse creatures and bringing them to Adam, just to see what he would name them (Genesis 2:19).  God appropriates various people in the Biblical narrative and gives them new names according to a new purpose and calling on their lives.  In the Annunciation, Jesus is foretold to Mary, by name.  He will go on to teach powerfully about our calling to act, pray, live “in his name.”  We will explore the significance of naming and reflect on how we are named and called by God in Christ.

I look forward to our worship together!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


During the Sundays in Lent, we will journey with Jesus as he sets his face toward Jerusalem. Through parables, miracles, healing and encounters we will learn of the man that changed the world. We must take this sojourn in order to fully understand how much the world needs Jesus. Join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the resurrection. 

 Join us for worship on Sunday - 8:30 & 11:00 am.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday
The Peace of God

In its fullest sense, the peace of God is far greater than simply the absence of hostility and violence, a truce between combatants.  The best definition of the Hebrew "shalom" and the Greek "eirene" in Scripture is "everything as God intends,"and the peace that obtains from that.  
These words describe the original, pristine beauty God creates and the harmony God calls forth in all creation. 
When Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers," he reveals that peace is more than just the absence of war.  He tells us frankly that making peace is every bit as intentional and active as making war.  In a world that is fallen from its original beauty and harmony, God is calling forth people to work, to strive, even to sacrifice for peace.  In the season of Lent we will focus on the peace that God intends for all creation and our calling as peacemakers in a broken and often violent world.

Wednesday Evenings during Lent
Worship at 7:00 pm

Wednesday evenings, will include guests from various walks of life, sharing with us on peacemaking as a way of being in our time.

Join us for dinner at 5:45 pm in the Fetter Activity Center.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

God Revealed in Transforming Power

Worship on Sunday, February 15:  

The Mountaintop 
The Transfiguration is a pivotal experience in the lives of Jesus’ disciples, as it is in our own lives and faith journey.  It profoundly captures the deeper meanings of our whole celebration of Epiphany – the revealing, the “making-known” of God.  The Gospels describe a mystical, mountaintop experience in which certain of Jesus’ followers see him transfigured:  his appearance changes, he looks different to them; they see him in a new light.  It is an invitation to awaken to the true reality of Jesus as the one promised by the prophets – emmanuel, God with us.  And it is an invitation for them – and for us – to be transformed by that revealed identity. 

Here is a bulletin cover image.  Attached are a sermon slide and reflection slide.  Below are a Prayer of the Day and Readings. 

Blessings to you all in this season of revelation!

- Pastor Brad

Sunday, February 8, 2015

"God Revealed in the Blessings of Life"
Worship on Sunday, February 8: Epiphany 5

My Cup Overflows In this season of Epiphany – celebrating the revealing of God – we have reflected on God revealed in the midst of a skeptical world; God revealed in brokenness and suffering. But God is profoundly revealed in blessing, as well. Epiphany is a celebration the way God is manifest in and through everything around us … the natural world, in all its vastness and intricacy. And it is a celebration of God revealed in the many ways we are blessed in in life. “Blessing” is a word that is widely used, and misused, both in spiritual and secular life. How are we to truly understand “blessing” from God, over against good fortune and circumstance? And what is more, how are we to respond to and live out the blessings God pours into our lives daily? Today we look to see God revealed in blessing and to let blessing give shape and meaning to our way of being in the world.

Join us for worship on Sunday - 8:30 & 11:00 am.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1,2015

God Revealed in a Skeptical World!  

The manger is empty.  Jesus is loosed in the world feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, healing the infirmed.  He left Bethlehem and began his ministry in Galilee; calling fisherman, tax collectors, widows and outcasts to follow him.  No longer is this the precious infant heralded by shepherds and kings.  The story of innocence and singing angels matured into the story of the man of God that changed the world.  Even today, we encounter a prophet, savior and king that meets us in the gritty, fractured and brokenness of our lives.  Yes, the manger is empty. 

 Join us for worship on Sunday - 8:30 & 11:00 am.