Sunday, September 25, 2016

Empty and Lost

Sunday, October 2:  Our focus today is on the first two Beatitudes Jesus teaches … for the poor in spirit and those who mourn.

╬ “ Empty and Lost ”  The Beatitudes have this extraordinary character of paradox.  We are blessed when we are “poor in spirit?”  What does it mean to be poor “in spirit,” and how can that be understood as blessing?  In the same way, how are we to receive and embrace the idea of blessing when we are grieving?  And yet, Jesus says these things clearly and directly, inviting us to go deeper … to discover that only empty vessels may be filled; to engage a deeper of notion of the goodness of God:  present in healing and redeeming power in the very places of our loss and emptiness.  Blessed are we when famished in spirit and mourning loss.  It is here that the inflowing of God begins.  The Beatitudes.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Mount and Plain

Sunday, September 18:  We begin our new series focusing on the Beatitudes!

╬ “Mount and Plain” In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus ascends the mountain to deliver his most profound teaching about blessing.  In the Gospel According to Luke, he leads his followers out on a wide, level plain.  The differences in the Gospel accounts have a lot to say about the Gospel writers and intended audiences, about the context and situations in which the teachings are recounted.  But the truth of the message – the core of Jesus’ teaching – comes through with paradigm-shattering clarity.  He’s teaching us how to live God’s way in a world that struggles with the will and ways of God.  We begin with the contexts and uniqueness of “the sermon on the mount” and the “sermon on the plain” … the Beatitudes.

Rally Day … Day of Service -claimed-gathered-sent

WORSHIP on Sunday, September 11 … 
Rally Day … Day of Service!

What an exciting Sunday!  And the perfect day to complete our series focusing on the people of God as The Body of Christ.

╬ “claimed-gathered-sent”  Our faith life is filled with “trinities.”  God is revealed as Father-Son-Spirit.  We are created-redeemed-sustained by the love and grace of God.  The continual renewing of creation and much of our human experience follows a pattern of life-death-resurrection to new life.  The calling of people to live out their faith – to the glory of God and for the sake of the world – can be understood in a triune way, as well.  The people of God are claimed by God in baptism, gathered together as a community of faith and sent in a mission of love and service to a needful world.   As the Body of Christ in the world today, we are the claimed-gathered-sent ones of God.  Our shared journey is to live into and to live out that true identity.

The God who claims us has gathered and gifted us and is sending us to the world God loves.  What a blessing to make our way together!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Power Beneath

Worship this Sunday, September 4 …

We continue our focus on the Body of Christ as we explore the way we are called to see all of life through the image of the cross.

"The Power Beneath" -  The radical reversals of Jesus ministry and life is centered in how the Cross is seen and understood.  The kind of power Jesus demonstrates and lives out is hidden beneath -- or discovered in "weakness" -- not from "on top" or over someone.  The call to follow Jesus and deny oneself means to let go of trying to be "Number 1" in our lives and our community.

Pr. Paul Blom will preach and celebrate the Eucharist.  Reggie Kikta will preside in worship.

Blessings to all,

- Pastor Brad Highum