Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pastor Brad Highum  talks to us about the Living Words  "Heaven & Hell"

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Contemporary notions of "heaven" and "hell" mirror the enduring dilemma that has perplexed believers through the ages. "What must I do to ensure that I go to heaven when I die?  Or, even more prevalent, "How do I avoid the eternal fire of hell?"  What is so remarkable about this pressing concern, on the part of so many Christians, is that Jesus has almost nothing to say about it.  Besides a few tantalizing comments - my father's house contains many mansions - he has little if anything to say about the "hereafter."  His entire focus - the central concern of his ministry - is with this life, in this world, in the here and now.  It is in the context of this life that he teaches about unity with God and estrangement from God.  It is in the land of the living that Jesus calls forth the kingdom of God and warns of the outer darkness.  And it is in the context of his teachings that we engage heaven and hell today.