Sermon and Worship Service videos from Abiding Love Lutheran Church, Austin TX
Sunday, April 26, 2015
“Lord, show us the Father”
It is a heartfelt, earnest request from one of Jesus’ disciples; one that we all likely have made at some time, in some way. It’s the desire to see God, unequivocally; powerfully manifest in the present. Jesus’ reply is patient and illuminating. “All the time I have been with you,” he says, “I have been showing you the Father; the Father is in me, and revealed plainly in the works that I do.” But then he adds something even more powerful and prophetic, about the time to come: “Greater works than these,” he says, “you will do in my name!” Today, we reflect on what it means to live and serve “in the name of” Jesus; to live the way, the truth and the life that leads to the very heart of God.