Holy Week
Celebrating Easter
Maundy Thursday, March 29
7:00 pm: Youth-Led Worship with Holy Communion
Good Friday, March 30
7:00 pm: Worship: Who is This Upon the Cross?
Saturday, March 31
9:00 am: Egg Hunt, Abiding Love Activity Center
Toddlers through 5th grade are invited to celebrate
the season with games, activities and an egg hunt.
Easter Sunday, April 1
8:30 and 11:00 am: Worship with Holy Communion
Gather in the narthex at 8:20 and 10:50 am for Flowering the Cross.
9:45 am: Easter Brunch
Breakfast casseroles will be provided.
Please bring fruit or pastries to share. Bring your items
to the Activity Center kitchen by 9:00 am, Sunday, April 1.